Tuesday, September 28, 2010


This past weekend I got to spend some MUCH NEEDED time with one of my dearest and best girlfriends who came into town for a visit with me and my family. We’ve known each other for many years and have been there for each other through heartbreaks, job changes, weddings, births, children drama and much, much more.

And while we haven’t even lived in the same city since 2004, she’s someone who has always been a constant in my life. She’s someone I can ALWAYS count on no matter what to listen, to encourage, to SUPPORT, to comfort, to inspire and MOTIVATE me to be the person I want to be. She knows the true me, understands my VALUES, my goals and holds that higher vision for me at times when I can’t even see if myself. She’s a wonderful person inside and out and I’m so lucky to have her SUPPORT in my life. And when we get to spend time together like we did this past weekend: talking, walking, laughing, reminiscing, eating, drinking, relaxing on top of all the normal family stuff I had going on, it’s just a REMINDER of how important it is to take the time to be with friends and re-connect again and again. And more importantly to have someone in my life who KNOWS ME and is there to SUPPORT me at all stages of life.

What about you, do you have a support person and or a TRUE FRIEND who knows you inside and out? Are you that person for someone else? We all need SUPPORT and a friend new or old is a great thing to have!

Wishing you a great week full of support!


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