Saturday, April 16, 2011


When life throws you curve balls, what do you do? Do you fight it and try to barrel through or do you surrender to what is and ride the wave? It’s not been an easy lesson for me but more and more I find that surrendering to what is vs fighting to make it what I think it should be is a lot easier.

Last week my family and I went on a wonderful and amazing trip to Disney World (truly is a happy and magical place) and this week my son and husband were fighting a nasty stomach bug. And while I’m very thankful (extremely thankful) it didn’t occur when we were at Disney, coming home to sick family members makes for a tough transition. There were stacks of mail, no groceries in the house and tons of clothes to be washed and put away but once my son got sick again Monday morning, I knew all I could do was surrender. Surrender to what was going on in that moment, not what I wanted it to be or needed it to be.

Sure I would have loved to get all my things put away, house picked up and my to-do list started but it just wasn’t going to happen (at least not without lots of sacrifice) and instead of fighting it or trying to do too much, I let go. I focused on what I absolutely needed to in that moment and let the rest wait. And though I was single parenting this week with my husband gone on business, I made sure I got as much rest as I could as I too could feel myself teetering on getting sick after being up two nights in a row and getting little sleep.

Now the old me would have pushed through, not rested and tried to get it all done but luckily I’ve come to my senses and took it in strides this week…..and only had a few moments of meltdowns and tears but hey I made it! 

How about you, do you tend to surrender or push through?

Best wishes always to riding the wave vs fighting it!

Love, Angela

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