Saturday, January 30, 2010

Taking Care of ME!

It definitely was one of those weeks where I found myself struggling to make self care a priority. Between a sick little one, a visiting mom who needs some extra care and assistance as she recovers from a broken arm and just a lot of things to do before the baby is born, I found myself easily putting my needs off for another day. While I’ve practiced self care for a couple years now and fully understand the benefits of it (more patience, less stress, overall happiness, etc), it’s weeks like this where it seems sometimes that it’s easier said than done.

But just like with any weight loss program or anything we truly want to do, I’m reminded that I do have a choice! I can decide everyday on how, when and what I’ll do to make my self care a priority. On days when I have a sick child who becomes my top priority and a ton of things to do, I can choose to find creative or simple ways where I can still make time for ME. It’s not always easy, but in order to get some “me” time in that day, I may just have to let the laundry go one more day, say no to something just so I can relax in the bath while I have help from my husband in the evening , go to bed early or nap when my son naps. Simply stated I can re-energize myself and feel rested when I focus on taking care of me . And while I’m the first to admit that it’s easier to let my self care and my needs drop to the bottom of the list (this week is an example) than it is to make it a priority, I've come to realize letting myself go only makes me more grumpy, stressed and not a lot of fun to be around!

I’m working to continue to make my self care a priority despite a lot on my plate, what about you – what choices can you make today to join me in taking care of YOU?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Turn Baby, Turn......

I officially made it to the 34 week mark this weekend with the pregnancy and the baby is still in the breech position. I’ve known she was breech since about 30 weeks but was hoping she’d turn. And I know I still have time and will be trying everything I can to help her feel a little more motivated to make her move but even in the womb they have a mind of their own and you can’t make them do anything! :)

I’ve been given all different kings of advice of how to help her along from submerging in a pool of water, doing prenatal yoga poses (which ironically I’ve already been doing for the last several weeks) to the one the doctor even recommended at least trying which was called moxibustion. Apparently moxibustion is a Chinese herbal technique which involves burning the herb mugwort over an acupuncture point found near the right ankle. I know it may sound crazy to some but it’s funny the things you’ll open up to and at least try when you find yourself with limited options. I've tried accupuncture in the past and didn't have great success but here I'm again willing to give it a try. Luckily there is someone here in St. Louis who does the technique and I’ll be looking into having it done at 36 weeks, if she doesn’t turn before then on her own.

So the mantra in our house these days as we all work busily to prepare for her arrival is “Turn Baby, Turn!” How about you, any mantra's you find your self or family saying as we start the new year?

Monday, January 11, 2010


A new year always brings new opportunities, new possibilities and excitement in the air. I love looking back and reflecting on all the great moments (not always joyous but moments none the less) life had to offer over the past 12 months and then looking forward to all the possibilities that another year can bring.

Some of us set resolutions or goals for the year and I like to first set intentions of how I want to “BE” in the upcoming year. I also set simple goals that help me to accomplish that feeling or behavior along the way but most importantly I reflect on how I want the year to be and go from there. For example in 2009, my intentions were to be more playful (have more fun), be more trusting (worry less) and truly love & enjoy my life. And once I had that defined, I set some specific goals around ways I could have more fun like more date nights with my hubby, more family outings on the weekends, a gratitude reminder of all the blessings I had in my life vs focusing on what I didn’t have. I think both intentions and goals are important and starting with how you want to “BE” is a great way to focus your goals around who you want to be in this world vs. setting goals because you think you “should” have them.

Many of us will have goals like reduce fat in my diet, go the gym 3 times a week, lose 10 pounds, etc. Which are great and specific goals but what if you started w/ first, how do I want to be or feel in 2010……maybe it’s more energetic, more clear headed or walk with more spring in my step. Whatever it is, there is a feeling, a way of being that you probably want more of in your life and I encourage you to find that first and then set your goals. It's always been a more win-win way for me and I'm sure it will be for you too! And if you need help, just let me know as I'm happy to support you any way I can.

What’s possible for YOU with a NEW way of BEING in 2010??

Monday, January 4, 2010

End to 2009

Well 2009 ended with a bang (literally) with my mom falling and breaking her arm on Christmas Eve Day while visiting from Dallas. She spent many hours in the ER that afternoon but was determined to be home in time to say goodnight to Cole and also be here when he woke up Christmas morning. And while she was in pain and delayed a surgery on her arm until she returned to Dallas, she got both her wishes. His face Christmas morning was of pure amazement when he saw Santa’s half eaten cookie that was left and the toys under the tree. 4 is such a magical age and his face and amazement was priceless. I totally understand why she wanted to be here so bad, despite the pain!!

I’m happy to report that her surgery went well and she’s in a recovery process now but I know for her and us it was long week in between. So while a trip to the ER was not expected or what I’d wish on anyone during the holiday season, accidents happen and you deal with them as best you can.

And despite the fall, we still had some wonderful times and memories over the holiday and were thrilled to spend time with friends and family. We traveled to see my in-laws and rang in the New Year with them and some how found time to work on a much needed home improvement project all before 2010 arrived!!

I look forward to the many blessings and opportunities to come in 2010 for me, my family, my friends and all of you!